“Under Construction”

Hello Loves! It’s literally been almost 6 months since I’ve written on my blog, not because I didn’t enjoy it but because I’ve been under construction. I embarked on a journey that required my undivided attention! I have thought about MakeUGlam daily and how I was letting my readers down but this break was NECESSARY. MakeUGlam is still my muse. Don’t worry I haven’t given up on us professional glam girls and TRUST me when I say I’ve got ideas galore! I will gradually break the news on why I titled this post “Under Construction”. I just wanted to stop in and say hello and to all the people who’ve continued to support me throughout this hiatus I LOVE YOU deeply! You will never understand what that means to me and I am reminded when I get notifications for traffic to the blog that people are still checking and I still have a voice. Guess who’s back???