My Favorite Ad Campaign: Zoe Saldana Lenscrafters “Perfect Eyeglasses for Women”

After years of wearing glasses and contacts I finally had Lasik in May 2012 at Lasik Plus at the Galleria (AMAZING). I have to admit that if I would have seen this ad prior to my surgery I probably would have stuck with glasses a little longer just  to pull this look off. I mean really could Zoe Saldana look anymore gorgeous? That red lip, those facial expressions and that hair is spot on!!! I am strongly considering just purchasing the frames as an added accessory. What are your thoughts?


“Get A Flawless Face”

With the spring and summer seasons fast approaching I am getting my beauty regimen together and you can’t really have a beauty regimen without a proper facial cleanser. First, I suggest finding out your skin type (oily, dry or combination) because you don’t want to put the wrong products on your skin and cause irritation. I have oily skin pretty much all year round! I have heard that’s good for wrinkle prevention but it’s a nightmare for makeup application. I spend quite a bit of time at the dermatologist for oily black head prone skin. I try to be proactive with my skin care and beauty regimen!  Here are a couple of things that I have tried from local stores and makeup counters that haven’t been a bad addition to my life. I prefer soft cleansers that can remove my makeup, the oil and other impurities from my skin and cleansers with skin toners.


ceraVe facial cleansermac-green-gel-cleanserclinque cleanser



“New Boo…I Mean New Shoe Alert”


Contrasting leather upper
Man-made sole
5″ heel height
1 1/2″ platform

The elegant d’orsay shape is infused with trend-right style in our Bede heel. This peep-toe pump has a squared-off toe and cutaway instep that we kicked up a notch with a mix of rich leather, suede, and patent leather in juicy bright hues. (Description provided by Jessica Simpson shoe site; didn’t want to miss any key details)

Retail price:$79.00 ****drum roll****
I got them for a steal of a deal: $27.95 at Dillard’s department store!

All shoes were 65% off!!! I can’t wait to strut it in these beauties. I got two additional pair of shoes that I will definitely share with you all. But the reason I love Jessica Simpson’s shoes is not only are they cute, they are comfortable, easy to walk in and of really great quality!

FYI: The sale at Dillard’s ends when ALL shoes are gone!