
Lipstick Lovers-Cherry Bomb

wet n wild lip

Hello Fall!! I love deep color lipsticks in the cooler seasons. While spring and summer may be about bright and neon colors for some; I personally love that fall brings about bold and rich colors with some depth.

The color I’m wearing on my lips is Cherry Bomb 918D by Wet N Wild

What’s colors have you been looking forward to wearing?

“Developing Clean Eating Habits for the Busy Woman”

eat clean


I hope this post motivates others as well as myself to get my health and eating habits under control.Honesty hour… I don’t plan my meals and I haven’t planned a well-balanced grocery list in sometime. My life has been so hectic lately with hubs working out-of-town, starting a new business, working 9 to 5, school at night, and the kids who are also in school. Social life, yeah what’s that??? I have declared to get us all back on track!  At minimum I am going to start eating 3 meals a day which I should be doing anyway. Also  adding healthy snacks instead of my usual chips at the office.

I am not a breakfast person at all so by the time I get hungry it’s time for brunch or lunch. Then I usually get really full at lunch because I guess I am making up for missed meals.  Then I have a late dinner especially if it’s been a busy day. I am embarrassed to say how many times  I skip breakfast and dinner in a week. This has to change because I feel myself getting sluggish and packing on pounds faster because I’m not paying attention to what I am eating.

So here are some things I am going to implement into my busy lifestyle:
* Developing the mindset to have better eating habits and make better selections.

* Get in balance; eat enough protein, carbs, and good for me fats.
* Avoid artificial foods; stay away from junk foods. (Stick with real foods, such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, lean meats, low-fat dairy, and whole-grain pasta, rice, and bread)
eat clean 2
*Increase my vegetable intake (tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms and others. Vegetables are full of fiber and water and gives you that feeling of being full.
healthy foods
*Set limits, speak with my doctor about the right amount of calories I should eat relative to my height
*Stop waiting until I am starving before I eat and don’t eat until I am stuffed.
*Start keeping track of what I am  eating in a food journal until it becomes a habit and feels normal to eat clean and healthy.
* And Lord don’t forget working out regularly

I must admit I am overwhelmed by the thought of replacing my junk food but at this point it’s out of necessity. I will keep track via the blog of my progress. Join the journey and keep me posted!